Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Drugs Effect

Drug has a great effect for human's life. it can be positive but sometimes it gives negative effect to us if we use it out of control...

There are thousands of drugs that help people. It is called medicinal drugs. For example, antibiotics and vaccines have revolutionized the treatment of infection. They can cure, slow, or prevent disease, helping us to lead healthier and happier lives. But in many cases, there are harmful drugs that people take to help them feel good or have a good time which is illegal in many countries because these drugs will destroy human's body and brain. Usually, it is called by recreational drugs.

Nowadays, recreational drugs are used more than medicinal drugs in our society. It is included drugs' usage for teens. They believe that recreational drugs will help them think better, become more popular, stay more active, or become athletes. Most of them think that drugs will help them escape their problems. But as we have known well before that drugs can not solve problems. They simply hide feelings and problems. When a drugs wear off, the feelings and problems remain, or become worse.
The effects of a drug depend on the type of drug and a range of personal and environmental factors. Some factors to consider include:
  • How much of the drug is taken and how often. Generally, the greater the quantity taken, the greater the effect. Overdose occurs when the amount taken exceeds the body's ability to cope with the drug.
  • How the drug is taken. Generally, drugs that are injected or inhaled act very quickly and the effects are more intense. Snorting through the nose is the next fastest-acting method, while the effects of drugs eaten or swallowed take longer to occur.
  • A person's physical characteristics, such as height, weight and gender also influence how a drug affects them.
  • The proportion of body fat, rate of metabolism and, for women, stage of the menstrual cycle can all influence the intensity and duration of drug effects.
  • The person's mood and environment also plays a role. How a person is feeling and the social setting can have a significant impact on drug effects. A person is more likely to enjoy the experience in a comfortable social atmosphere than in a threatening environment.
  • Tolerance to the drug. The first time a person uses a drug, they have a very low tolerance and are likely to feel the effects very strongly. The more often the drug is taken, generally the less intense the effects will be. This means that larger amounts are needed to obtain the desired effect.

The greatest drug harms caused in our society come from the legal drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Drug dependence can be physical or psychological, or both.There are degrees of dependency, from mild dependency to compulsive drug use (addiction). It is impossible to say how long a person must take a drug before they will become dependent.

Experimenting does not necessarily lead to regular or dependent drug use, and regular use does not necessarily lead to problems. However, there is no "safe" level of drug use. All drugs have the potential to cause harm, not just the illegal ones.

With all the consequences of using drugs above, we should give serious consideration before using it. So, we must use it as good as possible as like what the doctors suggest in order we get a positive result than it's negative. we must get medicinal drugs advantages and throw out every recreational drugs from our body. We must match it with our government, religion, and culture rules. Can it be done or not?

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